Q&A with Emelie Cajsdotter (english)
sön 03 sep.
Curious about what the heard can teach us humans? Take part in this Q&A with Emelie Cajsdotter.

Tid och plats
03 sep. 2023 19:00 – 20:30 CEST
Om evenemanget
Emelie Cajsdotter started the sanctuary Friskeröd in 1995. Since then hundreds of animals has found a place to heal and live the rest of their lives just as they are, in as natural circumstances as possible.Â
Parallell with holding space for all the animals at Friskeröd Emelie has been practicing empathic communication with other species during the last 30 years. And it seems to be a lot that we can learn from them. It even seems that they want to create a safe, non-juding place for humans to be who they truly are. A place for humans to practice compassion in a non-hierarchical way.Â
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