The way of compassion

During 2024, we are aiming to compile an in-depth digital material regarding all the work at Friskeröd Farm. Such as the basic essence of Mio principles, the non-hierarchical herd dynamics and the messages of the Hashemite horses.
It seems that many people carry a longing or perhaps a curiosity. A feeling that can be difficult to put into words, but which stubbornly returns. A feeling that somehow gives hope or at best a glimpse of something else. A greater reality.
Emelie Cajsdotter has spent more than thrity years communicating with other species, based on a compassionate expansion of the self. From all the thousands of conversations she has captured with indiviuals of different species, it is possible to discern an essence or glimpses of insights that can be of great help for mankind.
This site aims to let you tap into that essence and experience these stories.
Welcome to an exciting journey!